입트영 2020년 5월 15일 - Currency Exchange
Currency Exchange 환전
[Talk about currency exchange]
There are times when we have to exchange currencies.
Most commonly, we do so when we travel abroad.
These days, some people exchange currencies to trade stocks, of they invest in overseas stocks.
Each country uses a different currency, so people exchange money to the currency of the country in question.
The exchange rate changes slightly on a daily basis, so it's good to exchange currencies when the rate is better.
It also helps to look for ways to get a favorable exchange rate.
Some banks offer favorable rates when you're exchanging currencies for travel purposes.
Users install an app for the exchange and set an amount.
Then, they visit a bank branch and pick up the foreign currency.
종종 환전을 해야 하는 경우가 있다. 가장 흔하게 환전을 하는 경우는 해외여행을 갈 때 이다.
요즘은 해외 주식에 투자를 할 때, 주식 거래를 위해서 환전을 하는 사람들도 있다.
국가별로 사용하는 통화가 다르기 때문에 해당 국가의 화폐로 환전을 하게 된다.
환율은 매일 조금씩 변하기 때문에 환율이 유리할 때 환전하는 것이 좋다.
환율 우대를 받는 방법도 찾아보면 도움이 된다.
여행 경비를 목적으로 환전할 때, 환율을 우대해 주는 은행들이 있다.
환전 앱을 설치하고 금액을 설정한 다음, 은행 지점을 방문해서 외화를 수령하면 된다.
there are times when ~할 때가 있다
exchange currency 환전하다
trade stocks 주식 거래를 하다
invest in overseas stocks 해외 주식 투자를 하다
in question 해당
exchange rate 환율
on a daily basis 매일
get a favorable exchange rate 환율 우대를 받다
for travel purposes 여행 목적으로
install an app 앱을 설치하다
set an amount 금액을 설정하다
visit a bank branch 은행 지점을 방문하다
1. invest in overseas stocks
These days, some people invest in overseas stocks.
I'm too timid to invest in overseas stocks.
I lost a lot of money investing in overseas stocks.
2. get a favorable exchange rate
It helps to look for ways to get a favorable exchange rate.
I got a favorable exchange rate because I had used the bank for a long time.
It's harder to get a favorable exchange rate at the airport.
3. visit a bank branch
Users visit a bank branch and pick up the foreign currency.
I visited a bank branch in person because there was one near my office.
You rarely have to visit a bank branch these days.
A : Have you exchanged currencies?
B : Yeah. I did it using a currency exchange app.
A : Oh, I see. Did you get a good exchange rate?
B : Yes. I think using the app is the best way to do it.
A : No kidding?
B : Yeah. Then exchanging rate is barely higher than the basic exchange rate.
A : I see. I there a dollar limit?
B : Yeah. You can only use it for travel purposes, and there is a limit.