Southeast Asia 동남아시아
[Talk about countries in Southeast Asia]
Korea is located quite close to Southeast Asia.
The volume of commerce with Southeast Asian countries is rising steadily.
In particular, economic cooperation with Vietnam is growing by leaps and bounds.
Increased interaction with Southeast Asian countries comes with many benefits.
Most importantly, it diversifies the commerce structure which leans heavily on the U.S, Japan, and China.
Meanwhile, Southeast Asia is the top choice among Koreans when it comes to vacation spots.
Thailand, in particular, is the country Koreans visit most often on vacation.
Southeast Asian countries and their well-developed tourism industries can reap financial rewards from Korean tourists.
On the other hand, Korean companies can then export more products to those countries.
한국은 동남아시아와 매우 근접해 있다. 최근에는 동남아시아 국가들과의 교역량이 꾸준히 증가하고 있다.
특히 베트남과의 경제 협력이 크게 늘고 있다 동남아시아 국가들과의 교류 확대는 많은 이점이 있다.
미국, 일본, 중국에 편중된 교역 구조를 다변화시켜 주는 것이 가장 중요한 이점이다.
한편, 동남아시아는 한국 사람들이 가장 많이 찾는 휴양지이기도 하다.
특히, 태국은 한국 사람들이 휴가로 가장 많이 방문하는 국가이다.
관광 산업이 발달한 동남아시아 국가들은 한국인 관광객들로 경제적 이득을 본다.
반면, 우리나라 기업들은 이들 국가들에 더 많은 제품을 수출 할 수 있다.
be located 위치하다
volume of commerce 교역량
rise steadily 꾸준히 증가하다
economic cooperation 경제 협력
grow by leaps and bounds 큰 폭으로 늘다
come with benefits 이점/혜택이 있다
diversify 다변화 시키다
commerce structure 교역 구조
lean heavily on ~에 크게 의존하다
the top choice 여러 가지 중 가장 선호하는 것
vacation spot 휴양지
on vacation 휴가로
well-developed 잘 발달된
tourism industry 관광 산업
reap financial rewards 경제적 이득을 보다
1. come with benefits
Increased interaction with Southeast Asian countries comes with many benefits.
Getting a membership comes with benefits.
The job comes with many benefits, but it's not easy.
2. lean heavily on
The commerce structure leans heavily on the U.S, Japan, and China.
Our country's economy leans heavily on exports.
The movie leans heavily on action.
3. reap financial rewards
Southeast Asian countries can reap financial rewards from Korean tourists.
We reaped financial rewards from a successful ad campaign.
It's not easy to reap financial rewards right after an investment.
A : Where will you go for your summer vacation this year?
B : I'm trying to decide between Japan and China.
A : I went to Thailand last year, and I had the time of my life.
B : Where in Thailand did you go?
A : I stayed for two days in Bangkok. Then I spent three more days in Phuket.
B : I see. You known, I really like Thai food.
A : Me, too. It's one of my favs.
B : Maybe I should go to Thailand this year. I can't make up my mind!
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