Abortion 낙태
[Talk about abortion laws in Korea]
Each country has different laws governing abortion.
Some countries allow it, while it is against the law in others.
In Korea, the Constitutional Court ruled in 2019 that punishments for abortion are not in keeping with the Constitution.
They ruled that the relevant law is unconstitutional.
However, the Court set a deadline to revise the law, because of the social unrest that would be caused if the law became invalid immediately.
The Korean National Assembly has until December 31, 2020 to revise the laws pertaining to abortion.
If the revision is not reflected in the criminal code, the abortion law will lose effect it runs counter to Constitution.
각 나라마다 낙태에 대한 법적 판단이 다르다. 낙태를 허용하는 나라도 있는 반면, 금지하는 나라도 있다.
2019년 한국 헌법 재판소는 낙태죄 처벌에 대해 '헌법 불합치' 결정을 내렸다. 낙태 관련 법 조항이 헌법에 위반된다는 판결을 내린 것이다.
그러나 낙태법이 즉시 효력을 잃으면 사회적 혼란이 생길 수 있으므로 법 개정에 시한을 두었다.
대한민국 국회는 2020년 12월 31일까지 낙태 관련법을 개정해야 한다.
만약 국회가 개정안을 형법에 반영하지 않으면, 기존 낙태법은 위헌으로 효력을 상실하게 된다.
laws governing something ~관련 법 조항
be against the law 법에 위배되다
Constitutional Court 헌법 재판소
punishments for abortion 낙태죄 처벌
in keeping with ~에 부합하는
relevant law 관련법
unconstitutional 헌법 위반의, 위헌인
set a deadline 기한을 정하다
revise the law 법을 개정하다
social unrest 사회적 혼란
become invalid 무효화되다
have until ~까지 시간이 있다
pertaining to ~에 관계된
revision 개정안
criminal code 형법
lose effect 효력을 상실하다
run counter to ~에 위배되다
1. be against the law
Abortion is against the law in some countries.
It's aginst the law to park there.
It's not against the law, but I think it's morally wrong.
2. set a deadline
The Constitutional Court set a deadline to revise the law.
He will never finish if you don't set a deadline for him.
I try to set a deadline and do everything on time.
3. run counter to
The laws runs counter to Constitution.
That runs counter to everything you said earlier.
I think this slide runs counter our main stream.
A : Is abortion guranteed by law in your country?
B : Last year, the Constitutional Court decided it's unconstitutional to punish abortions.
A : Oh, I see.
B : Yeah, the National Assembly has to patch up the law by the end of the year.
A : Oh, so it doesn't go into effect immdiately?
B : There's a deadline for the revision, otherwise there would be social unrest.
A : I guess that makes sense.
B : That's right.
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