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입트영 2020년 5월 19일 - Vacation Days

by TheEC 2020. 5. 19.

Vacation Days 휴가제도


[Talk about vacation days that are given to office workers]

People who work for companies are legally entitled to a certain number of vacation days throughout the year. 
They can use those vacation days whenever they see fit.

It's most common to take a long break to go on a summer vacation. 
People also use vacation days without prior notice when they get sick or fall ill.
Some times, when there are multiple holidays in row, people make a long holiday by adding their own vacation days.

There are also long-term leaves of absence. 
When a woman has a baby, she can take a maternity leave. 
Both men and women can also go on a childcare leave to look after their young children.

기업에 다니는 근로자들은 연중 사용할 수 있는 휴가 일수가 법적으로 보장되어 있다. 
이러한 휴가일은 본인이 원하는 시기에 사용할 수 있다.

주로 여름 휴가를 가기 위해서 길게 휴가를 내는 것이 일반적이다. 
그 밖도 몸이 아프거나 병에 걸렸을 때 예기치 못하게 휴가를 내는 경우도 있다. 
가끔씩, 휴일이 며칠 연이어 있을 때 본인 휴가를 추가해서 긴 연휴를 만들기도 한다.

또한 장기 휴직 제도도 있다. 
여성들은 아이를 낳으면 출산 휴가를 받을 수 있다. 
어린 아이들의 양육을 위해 남녀 모두 육아 휴직을 낼 수도 있다.

  be legally entitled to ~을 법적으로 보장받다
  throughout the year 연중
  whenever they see fit 적합하다고 생각될 때
  take a long break 길게 휴가를 내다
  go on a summer vacation 여름 휴가를 가다 
  without prior notice 사전 예고 없이
  fall ill 병에 걸리다 
  in a row 연달아
  leaves of absence 휴직
  take a maternity leave 출산 휴가를 가다
  go on a child care leave 육아 휴직을 내다
  look after ~을 돌보다

1. whenever they see fit  
  They can use those vacation days whenever they see fit.
  You can ask questions whenever you see fit
  Whenever I saw fit, I made suggestions

2. without prior notice   
  People also use vacation days without prior notice
  The professor gave us a quiz without prior notice
  It's rude to visit without prior notice

3. leaves of absence  
  There are long-term leaves of absence
  Some people in my team took a leave of absence this year
  I would like to take a leave of absence, but there's too much work.

  A : How is your wife these days?
  B : She's busy looking after the kids. She is on parental leave
  A : oh, I didn't know that. How long is she taking off work?
  B : She's taking a year off, for starters
  A : I see.
  B : Last later, I was the one on parternal leave
  A : Oh, really? Can men take parental leaves, too?
  B : Of course. I took six moths off and took care of the kids.
