ASMR 자율감각 쾌락반응
[Talk about ASMR]
ASMR is an acronym for Autonomous Sensery Meridian Response.
It refers to a sensory experience of inner calm or pleasure created by sounds we like to hear.
Some people also claim that ASMR helps them focus their minds, and it has become very widely used.
The stimulus that makes someone feel ASMR is called a "trigger".
Everyone has personal preference for such stimuli.
It's different from person to person.
Each person responds differently to sounds like chewing food, scratching something,
crumpling up paper, knocking on something, or writing with a pencil.
You can find lots of these diverse ASMR videos in YouTube.
Many people are making use of them.
However, a scientific basis or peer-reviewed studies on ASMR are practically nonexistent.
ASMR은 자율감각 쾌락 반응의 약자이다.
우리가 듣기 좋아하는 소리를 통해 심리적 안정감이나 쾌감을 느끼는 감각적 경험을 일컫는 말이다.
일부 사람들이 이러한 ASMR이 정신을 집중하는 데 도움을 준다고 주장하면서 많이 활용되고 있다.
ASMR을 느끼게 해주는 자극을 '트리거(trigger)'라고 한다.
모두가 각자 선호하는 자극이 있고, 그것은 사람마다 다르다.
사람들은 음식 씹는 소리, 긁는 소리, 종이 구기는 소리, 뭔가를 두드리는 소리, 연필로 쓰는소리 등에 다르게 반응한다.
이러한 종류의 다양한 ASMR 영상들은 유튜브에 많이 올라와 있고, 많은 이들이 이용하고 있다.
하지만 ASMR의 효과에 대한 과학적 근거나 검증된 연구는 아직 거의 없다.
acronym 두음문자
sensory experience 감각적경험
inner calm 심적 안정감
pleasure 쾌락
focus their minds 정신을 집중하다
stimulus 자극
different preference 개인취향, 선호도
different from person to person 사람마다 다른
responds differently to ~에 다르게 반응하다
crumple up paper 종이를 구기다
knock on something ~를 두드리다
diverse 다양한
make use of ~를 이용하다 활용하다
scientific basis 과학적 근거
peer-reviewed study 검증된 연구
practically nonexistent 거의 없는
1. inner calm
ASMR is a sense of inner calm or pleasure created by sounds we like to hear
It's hard to experience inner calm while we work
I meditate to get a sense of inner calm
2. different from person to person
The reaction is different from person to person
The symptoms are different from person to person
The interpertation od artwork can be different from person to person
3. scientific basis
There is very little scientific basis for how ASMR works
I don't believe it since it has no scientific basis
You don't need to find a scientific basis for everything
A : I'm having trouble falling asleep these days. I keep tossing and turning.
B : Really? You should try using ASMR.
A : What's that
B : It's a way to chill out by listening to background noise
A : Really? What kinds of noises?
B : I usually listen to sounds from cafes, or sounds related to traveling
A : That's a useful tip. Thanks. Maybe I will look for some myself.
B : Sure. Tou can find a lot of videos on YouTube
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