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입트영 2020년 4월 21일 - Sushi Sushi 초밥 ​ [Talk about sushi] I can't get enough of sushi. It's a convenient way to eat all sorts of seafood, and it tastes great. It's also a very healthy food. There are several restaurants nearby where I can get sushi. Conveyor belt sushi places are the most common. Various types of sushi go around on a conveyor belt. Diners can have their pick of the plates on the belt. If they don't see wha.. 2020. 4. 21.
입트영 2020년 4월 20일 - Donating Blood Donating Blood 헌혈 [Talk about donating blood] Excessive blood loss can be life-threatening. Patients who are in critical condition or who need to undergo surgery often need to receive a blood transfusion. This blood is gathered through blood donations from the general public. To make it easier to donate blood, there are blood donation buses that visit various areas. You can sometimes come across.. 2020. 4. 20.
입트영 2020년 4월 17일 - Wine Wine 와인 [Talk about wine] ​The popularity of wine has been climbing steadily in recent years. This indicates that Korean's tastes in alcoholic drinks are changing. More and more places are becoming wine specialty bars. The number of people popping bottles of wine at home is also increasing. There are more hobby groups related to wine, and there are more wine-related events. Imported wines come m.. 2020. 4. 17.
입트영 2020년 4월 16일 - Package Trips Package Trips 패키지 여행 [Talk about the benefits of package trips] ​I tend to prefer package trips when I go on vacations. The flights, hotels, and local fees are grouped together and offered as a package. Various costs are offered at discounted rates, so I can travel at lower price. It's also less time-consuming because I don't have to make reservations myself. I can also consult with a travel age.. 2020. 4. 16.
입트영 2020년 4월 15일 - Parliamentary Election Parliamentary Election 국회 의원 선거 [Talk about the parliamentary elections and election day] Today is election day. Korea holds an election to elect lawmakers once every four years. Recently, the election laws were revised. Of the 300 parliamentary seats, 253 will be elected directly in the electoral districts. The remaining 47 seats are elected through proportional representation. Due to the revis.. 2020. 4. 15.
입트영 2020년 4월 14일 - Bank of Korea Bank of Korea 한국은행 ​ [Talk about the Bank of Kore] Korea's central bank is the Bank of Korea. It's where Korea's fiscal policies are put in place. The bank governor is newly appointed every four years. The primary role of the central bank is to determine the base interest rate. The interest rate is raised to prevent the economy from overheating, or to curb inflation. But to stimulate the economy.. 2020. 4. 14.
입트영 2020년 4월 13일 - Doenjang Jjigae Doenjang Jjigae 된장찌개 ​ [Talk about doenjang jjigae] Jjigae, or stew, is a common type of food in Korea. Doenjang jjigae in particular is eaten the most frequently. The ingredients people use vary from region to region, but it's safe to say that the jjigae is eaten everywhere in the country. The main merit of doenjang jjigae is that it fits Korean's tastes, and it's a cinch to make. To make doenj.. 2020. 4. 13.
입트영 2020년 4월 10일 - Eating alone Eating Alone 혼밥 트렌드​ ​[Talk about the trend of eating alone] Just ten years ago, it was not easy to see people eating alone at restaurants. People were accustomed to having company when they ate. When people had to eat alone, they got self-conscious. It even made people feel left out. But nowadays, things have changed. It's not hard to find people eating all by themselves at a restaurant. People.. 2020. 4. 10.