전체 글210 최저가 택배 - 4천원 택배 가벼운 물건의 경우 편의점 택배를 이용하는게 싸지만 무거운 택배는 어느 택배사를 이용하나 비싸다. 그런데 20kg 이하는 모두 4천원에 배송하는 택배가 있다. 4천원택배라는 어플이 있는데 대한통운에서 운영하는 어플인가보다. □ 택배접수 및 방문일정 평일 : 접수일 + 1~2일 토요일 : 접수일 + 2~3일(월요일, 화요일) 일요일/공휴일 : 접수일 + 1~2일 □ 이용 방법 1.택배기사님 방문이 2~3일 지연되는 경우 및 방문시간 확인은 지역사업소나 고객센터(1588-1255)로 문의바랍니다. 2.토요일은 대리점 사정에 따라 방문여부가 변동될 수 있습니다. 일요일 및 공휴일은 방문하지 않습니다. 3.접수하실 물품 개수 대로 접수하셔야 합니다. 4. 4천원택배 기본 규격을 넘어갈 경우, 접수하실 수 없습니.. 2020. 2. 11. 입트영 2020년 2월 11일 - Hangovers Hangovers 숙취 [STEP1] Talk about the symptoms of a hangover. Hangovers are a side effect of drinking alcohol. If you drink heavily, the hangover symptoms can be severe and distressful. The severity of a hangover varies from person to person. It also depends on the type of liquor you drink. Splitting headaches are the most common symptom. You might feel sick to your stomach and want to throw up. T.. 2020. 2. 11. 입트영 2020년 2월 10일 - Restaurants Restaurants 음식점 [STEP1] Talk about how you pick a restaurant. When I choose a restaurant, the flavor of the food comes first. If the food isn't good, there's no reason to go to a restaurant. If the food is good enough to stand out, I visit the restaurant again and again. The price of the food is another important factor to consider. Even if the food is really good, it's too much of a burden if i.. 2020. 2. 10. 입트영 2020년 02월 07일 - Living by oneself Living by oneself 자취 [Talk about pros and cons of living alone] Most people decide to live alone to shorten their commute, if they live too far away from their office or school. Some live alone because of their spirit of independence, or because they want a freer lifestyle. They look for homes through real estate agents, and sign a lease. Living alone allows people to live freely. However, they .. 2020. 2. 7. 입트영 2020년 02년 06일 - Paying for Dates Paying for Dates [Talk about how couples pay for dates] Old-fashioned people are used to the man paying for a date. Some men didn't want women to foot the bill for a date. However, this culture has changed. It is considered natural to take turns paying for dates. It's also customary for whomever has more money to spare to pay, regardless of whether it's the man or the woman. Many younger people .. 2020. 2. 6. 입트영 2020년 02월 05일 - Aftereffects of Traveling Aftereffects of Traveling [Talk about how you feel after a trip.] I always return from trips with fond memories. However, I also suffer from aftereffects after traveling. I feel physically tired from traveling long distances. Especially after a lot of outdoor activities, I get muscle pains. After traveling abroad, i suffer from jet lag. Sometimes, I get sunburned and my skin hurts. That's why it.. 2020. 2. 5. 입트영 2020년 02월 04일 - Home Renovations Home Renovations [Talk about home renovations] Many people renovate their homes when they are worn out. One of the most common ways to spruce up a home is to redo the wallpaper. Simply swapping out the wallpaper can make a house look new. Re-flooring a house is another common renovation. These days, people often choose hardwood floors in nice color. Some people renovate their homes by expanding .. 2020. 2. 4. 입트영 2020년 02월 03일 - Religion Religion [Talk about what people who have a religion do] Some people follow a religion. Others don't. People who are religious have faith, and they try to follow the teachings of their religion. Christians and Catholics attend church. They study the Bible with fellow churchgoers, and do community service. Buddhists learn about Buddhist teaching at temples, and present offerings to Buddha. And ad.. 2020. 2. 3. 이전 1 ··· 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ··· 27 다음