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입트영 2020년 3월 20일 - Rice Products Rice Products 쌀 제품 [Talk about products that are mainly made of rice] Rice is a staple food in Korea. It's never absent from Korean meals. However, rice is good for more than just cooking it on its own. Many products with rice as the main ingredient have been released are on sale. Sticky rice cakes are the top example. They are a processed food made mostly with rice. Eating various type of stick.. 2020. 3. 20.
입트영 2020년 3월 19일 - Camping Camping 캠핑 [Talk about Camping] It's been quite a while since camping began to catch on in Korea. Nowadays, lots of people go camping on regular basis. Due to this trend, demand for camping equipment has also taken off. In the past, people randomly pitched tents at beaches or riversides and spent time there. But these days, there are many designated camping sites. So, many campers gather at such.. 2020. 3. 19.
입트영 2020년 3월 18일 - Marinated Meat Marinated Meat 장조림 [Talk about jangiorim, a Korean side dish of marinated meat] Jangjorim is an ever-present side dish in Korean cuisine. It is made by marinating meat and quail's eggs in soy sauce. The cuts of beef used for jangiorim are usually lean meat. Fatty cuts are not used, since you might get congealed fat later. At the meat section of the supermarket, you can find meat that is labeled .. 2020. 3. 18.
입트영 2020년 3월 17일 - Coffee Coffee 커피 [Talk about the types of coffee you like] Most of the time, I drink Americanos. Compared to sugary drinks, Americanos allow me to savor the flavor of the coffee beans more. I think it's better for my health, too. Coffee drinks with caramel or chocolate flavors contain a lot of sugar. They are high in calories, and can raise blood-sugar levels. I am diabetic, so I have to keep a close e.. 2020. 3. 17.
입트영 2020년 3월 16일 - The Pros and Cons of Social Media The Pros and Cons of Social Media 소셜미디어의 장단점 ​ [What are the pros and cons of social media] Social media has been a game-changer in the way that people communicate. Users can observe the goings-on of people they know through their posts. They can have conversations through messages. These days, social media is also widely used as an advertising platform. Advertisers can target the consumers that.. 2020. 3. 16.
입트영 2020년 3월 13일 - Food Preference Food Preference 식품 취향 [Talk about your personal food preferences] I am not a picky eater. I can eat almost anything. From Korean food to Southeast Asian and Western food, there's nothing I can't eat. I also enjoy spicy foods, The problem is that I have a healthy appetite. If I'm net careful about portion control, I gain weight easily. That's why I try to eat health foods if I can. I try to have .. 2020. 3. 13.